InstructionsThe Hipolink team is committed to providing a truly useful service to its users, and every offer you make is very important to us


Import page from Taplinkarrow-up

Page import

If you want to transfer your page from Taplink to Hipolink in one click, our Page Import will help you.

You can find this feature in your personal account:

Step 1 - Open the “Settings” section.

Step 2 - Select the “Page Import”.

import taplink

Step 3 - Insert a link of your Taplink page

Step 4 - Click “Import page”

import taplink

Before importing, you need to confirm that the data of your current page will be deleted. If you agree to this step - Prossed import. If you want to save an existing page - Cancel.

import taplink

The last and final stage of the Page Import - your new page and the list of transferred data. Green marks those items that we managed to transfer to Hipolink without changes, yellow - partially transferred (this means that the data has been transferred, but slightly changed based on existing Hipolink blocks).

Press “Show the result” to see your new transferred page.

import taplink

If you have problems or questions about Page Import, please contact support.


Page import

If you want to transfer your page from Taplink to Hipolink in one click, our Page Import will help you.

You can find this feature in your personal account:

Step 1 - Open the “Settings” section.

Step 2 - Select the “Page Import”.

import taplink

Step 3 - Insert a link of your Taplink page

Step 4 - Click “Import page”

import taplink

Before importing, you need to confirm that the data of your current page will be deleted. If you agree to this step - Prossed import. If you want to save an existing page - Cancel.

import taplink

The last and final stage of the Page Import - your new page and the list of transferred data. Green marks those items that we managed to transfer to Hipolink without changes, yellow - partially transferred (this means that the data has been transferred, but slightly changed based on existing Hipolink blocks).

Press “Show the result” to see your new transferred page.

import taplink

If you have problems or questions about Page Import, please contact support.